Long time din on9 ... hanging around here n there...

feeling not bad! heihei.....

aiseh~~~ i'm reali reali a lazy bone! a weird sickness! where's my motivation.

wanna make the things gud n best! hope i can do it~~~~ if i dump my laziness into rubbish bin!!! XDDD

hsu hsu~~~ lazy bugssss go away frm a xio ying~ wakaka....


tht time play a test, DaDa... here's my birthday tree o! take a look.

Your Birth Tree- Fig Tree

It signifies good fortune, sensibility and fertility. You have an amiable and caring personality.

Friends and family are very important to you. You have a good sense of humor. You are mentally strong.

You should cut down your laziness for more success in life.

Even the test knoe i'm lazy =.= revealed lerrr.....


i hv got the job in danone dumex. n i knoe i will hving my new life soon.

i sure wanna hving a gud n nice working life. make it full wif colours. :)

Will me?

Now... the best thing is FASTER FINISH MY THESIS before all tht's going!

gud gal a xio ying! be hardworking n faster.... u r the best (self consolation again =.=)

A Xio Ying Fighting!!!!


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