
来咯! 来咯!


i find it edi~~~

do u knoe it is so tough to find a letter~

oh my god!

really~ really~~~~

i thought it missing edi~

heehee~~~but i find it~wakaka....

last friday i go find tht geli eye shadow women edi~

but she say din receive....

u knoe last two days i oso go visit her~~

but she was on leave~~

really angry ler~

the letter in charge ppl just she satu orang only!

how cum a big school just got one ppl in charge tis~


so pity o~ tht geli eye shadow women~~~

today she cum for work edi~

thank god!

but i hv been waiting her for 1 more hours!!!!

eat one lunch oso take so long time~

i think she is curi tulang oh~

after lunch time need to prepare go bek home edi!

haiz...... like tht~~~ haiz!!!

haha...she still remember me ler~

call me Heng smth~

but nvm lar~~~

i receive edi~~~~


n thanks my dear dear frens~~~~~wei..n man man tou~~~ muacksss...


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