today i eat a lot of fat~


really many ler~

we go 麦当当~wakaka....

tis is the 1st time of tis sem having meal there~

so long din eat mcdonald edi~~

so 'healthy' without fast food wor~

but today really eat so much~

one set of meal:

spicy chicken mc deluxe ----27.1g

large french fries -----18.9g

(one amazing thing--> i hv eaten 5 plates of tomato sauce...i think the ppl there will think tis girl is crazy wif tomato, is it...wakaka...)

large coke

sundae cone ----4.1g

(today is 1st of lo offer price rm0.55 only!!!)

all fat content added up is 50.1g.

do u know tht female adolscence (19~50) can consume 46~70g of fat per day....

then tht all stuff i eat today still in the range!

amazing right?

but then i know tht it still unhealthy~

bcos it is fast food~

according to the food hv contain many saturated fat...

but we better intake unsaturated n not saturated fat!


better dun eat so much next time~

all of tis need a lot of exercise to burn them!

tht's mean need to walk n climb many stairs liao lo~ oh!!!

the funniest thing is tht we having tht meal after our principles of nutrition midterm...

just now afternoon just study all about the fat fat fat....

n the bad abt it~

but then now still having all tht stuff here~

wakaka....tis is human~~~can call as 犯贱~瓦卡卡。。。


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